I have always believed that I go through something to be able to help someone thru a similar situation to make it easier or be a comfort. Like with Makenzee and her craniosynostosis, I was then linked up with Becka Van Gelder and her son Grayson. With endometriosis this last year I was blessed to be going thru an eerily similar situation with Steffenie Robinson. The amazing part that the majority of times one of us is the strong one while the other is having a beyond dark day.
Since being aware this is the disease I battle and how unaware people are of such a common issue, I realized that is why I am dealing with the nightmare. I vow to raise awareness for this disease and I hope this month thru all my posts on Facebook I have educated a handful of people!
My niece and I spoke at a Job's Daughters meeting on Monday night. We read another blogger's conversation with endometriosis. There were adults there that never heard of endo before and those that had family members were affected by it. Almost every adult in the room came up to me afterwards and said how much they learned and appreciated the information. Most had no idea that the girls they are working with could be dealing with this so young! It was in that moment that I decided more awareness is needed in education adults who have dealt with this pain for so long but also those adults who are working with our youth for signs to watch out for! Also spreading the word to these girls that painful periods is not normal. I will be figuring out how to start doing speaking engagements and pamphlets. It's all in the idea process right now but that is how amazing things start, right?
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